You arent Official are you? How long have you been up? Also he didnt double post i moved some post and must have missed one. What does everyone else think. Dont say no just because they are unofficial please look into it.
Requesting allie please. Add us aDD allie will you?
Clan info:
members: 7 WoAbank: 54,236 TC Leader: link1020
~ co-leader of [WoA] thanks. ~KoOKy
Kiddxst33z dont double post.[invade]
LMAOOOO i find it HILARIOUS how he comes in our clan and tells me not to double post when i nvr double post :P....but anyyyywhooo i LOOOOOOVE the fact that this is like the first guy to in vade and use the /invade tag!!!!! you have my respect for that bro =]
and i just took a look at there dsc and i think it is legit...i believe there going to get official if they yes to me.....but i dont see why u guys have delta on your enemy list :P...thats like my lil brother he real cool what did he do? (if u dont mind me asking) :P
Former Clans:TPC,Bleu,BWSA
Forum Activity:i am ativity like 2-3 hours in night In-game Activity:alwayz Why you would like to join:becasue this is great clan and i want to be part of this clan and i want to meet new friends.
Special Talents(Such as Art, video making, etc):video making. Two or more replays:ok.(i post 3.)
nice sp replays but i need to see mp replays....being good in sp isn't enough to get a yes from your only blue belt so i hope your reallly good in mp :P
lol naa belt isnt a factor bro lol cuzz looking at his sp replays and seeing his belt means he has an alt acc that is a higher dont say no just cuzz of belt color
belt colour shows how for how much time he has been to this game and tells a bit for his experience.and he only has 130 posts,so he pretty much is new.i'll be happy to say yes when he gets more qi and posts