I'm gonna have a tilt_fix.tbm tournament in tonatourney.
so, /jo tonatourney
It'll start in 15 minutes or so. After the rbtourney is over.
The tournament type will be victory tournament. This means there's no knockout, instead the person with the most wins will win the whole thing. Better keep up those streaks!
It'll take one hour and 30 minutes. You are free to join in the middle of it, since there's no knockout, after all.
Again, /jo tonatourney
get in here already
EDIT: Scratch that, the servers are goin' down. This'll be hosted after the servers get healthy again, stay tuned
EDIT2: Alright, servers are up again, /jo tonatourney
10 minutes 'til we start.
EDIT3: IT'S STARTED, as I said, you can still join in! 'cause it's a victory tournament. /jo tonatourney already
EDIT4: It's over ;o
Last edited by Tonakai; May 6, 2013 at 10:17 PM.