Hey guys! Just an update. I have started on the animation. It will done probably in 4-5 weeks. Got school and sport to do as well. Hope you guys can wait. Ive already done 340ish frames.
Unknown DoooD
The Revolution approaches. Our arrival is unavoidable. Expect us.
People for some reason think it is prophetic that their calender ends in 2012...
Dunno why, do you keep a calender for the year 3500?

<Ownzilas> Alright
<Ownzilas> 3'2 then
<Ownzilas> Half PID's dick.

Originally Posted by PlayerID666 View Post
People for some reason think it is prophetic that their calender ends in 2012...
Dunno why, do you keep a calender for the year 3500?

why would they keep one of 2000?/2012?

Its a superstition kind of thing, but lets get back to topic...

I can't wait till this is done. Is it 4-5 weeks just for the first week, or the whole thing??
ponies <3 ..-
Sorry for all typos.

"In the end, it is always good,
If it is not good now,
It is not the end."

Quote by-Unkown

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I got accepted some days ago but I'm not in the "roster". :|

Also, good luck