Originally Posted by marci4 View Post
my name is marcell katona in hungary HUNGary xdage 14 my friend uzaghi ad i like wushu and play it my belt black near 2.dan and before clane none

Hey mate, since im the only hungarian in this clan, i understand why did you address your joining request.

Though you should know that our leader is Visnus, hes the great person beneeth this clan. Also AMB counts as a leader too, because he created this clan.

You should know that this clan aint Hungarian, also we closed the recruiting, so unless we dont invite you, you cant join.

I suggest to hand out on wushu7, let us know ya, then maybe you can get invited in.

Also guinomu: learn to loose.

Vox sucks
[10:14]<siku> magnificent sparkling vampire
[10:14]<siku> i love you edward

Official minibash tester. Please email [email protected] if you have found a bug!

K man, srry about that but when i "LEARN TO LOSE" some guys say "NO INTEREST ABOUT THE CLAN" that means "NO FOR GUINOMU, NO FOR HUNG"
Originally Posted by Slipanc View Post
Hey mate, since im the only hungarian in this clan, i understand why did you address your joining request.

Though you should know that our leader is Visnus, hes the great person beneeth this clan. Also AMB counts as a leader too, because he created this clan.

You should know that this clan aint Hungarian, also we closed the recruiting, so unless we dont invite you, you cant join.

I suggest to hand out on wushu7, let us know ya, then maybe you can get invited in.

Also guinomu: learn to loose.

right learn to close.

and marci its closed and i said you must be PMed first then can you....

BTW coll slip you are HUNGary =D
I eez tiggeh. I rukx ;U
name: pedro21
belt: 4 dan
age: 15
clan before: no-mercy
reason: I wanted to come ... well I think the group you are well happy and excited, I love it, so I try
We got to test him he seems a good player and a nice guy but he needs to improve his posts.
"Be obscure clearly."
Also we closed the recruiting, so unless pedro isnt invited, he cant join.

If you ask me, i think we already have enough new members. Let us know each other first before we recruit new ones.

That of course is only my opinion, tell me if you feel different.


Vox sucks
[10:14]<siku> magnificent sparkling vampire
[10:14]<siku> i love you edward

Official minibash tester. Please email [email protected] if you have found a bug!

Originally Posted by Slipanc View Post
Also we closed the recruiting, so unless pedro isnt invited, he cant join.

If you ask me, i think we already have enough new members. Let us know each other first before we recruit new ones.

That of course is only my opinion, tell me if you feel different.


same here we have to much new members and i am one of them
I eez tiggeh. I rukx ;U
Ok but i think that only Visnus can decide that.
Last edited by Swooya; Feb 24, 2009 at 01:32 AM.
"Be obscure clearly."