Hi fagets. Been a while since I said hi.
Seems like you guys have been doing the same thing as always. Meaningful, purposeful and non-spammy spam.
Originally Posted by
Nice thread, Fuze. :O Aren't you the one that did that thread in the Ethr boards too? Or was the Lag?
Sounded like you were fishing for them to say "No Pwr! Please stay we didn't mean it!"
Anyway. Lovin' this new set. I'm gonna go look for it on the showcase thread thing.
I have never bothered looking in Ethr's boards because I don't like the way their tag sounds.
Sets r sexy, best to keep them simple, like mine.
Originally Posted by
That was me too :3
Most clans don't have one for some reason
Yes, Meaningful Spam.
Also, why am I not on your allies list.
Are we no longer friends :c