alright, so a few minutes ago I tried out little mac online, and the 3rd guy who i fought was using link. as expected, he was abusing the bombs and arrows, but i kept pressuring him anyway. i could see that he was trying to push me off the edge, which is pretty much the way to defeat little mac, but i stayed central, so he eventually gave up on that tactic. anyway, i had gotten the K.O. punch a couple of times, but wasted it, which was arguably the difference between me winning and losing. and yeah, i lost, but it was close. closer than it usually is when i'm facing link. still having a hard time though.
any other fast characters i could try out? i've already tried marth/lucina, but i never feel comfortable when using them. in case you're wondering, i'm far from a high skill level, but i'm not bad either, sorta average.