I dunno man. It's annoying as fuck, as Mage is probably busy and isn't moderating the thread.
We need more people, so more people get promoted, so we can manage this stuff.
FroschiHD wrote an Application. Check it out.
Edit: Some people said that he wanted to get the Application done as fast as possible. Before we say 100% no we should start learning to know him. Maybe he has a chance a bit later.
I dunno man. It's annoying as fuck, as Mage is probably busy and isn't moderating the thread.
We need more people, so more people get promoted, so we can manage this stuff.
Lol my leader got ignored here wtf and also good war today guys well it was one of you and another ally pro tip the more people that participate in a war the higher rank u earn but either ways Great War 7-6 it was a close one
Wait, really?
I honestly never knew that.
Huh. That's pretty cool...
Mage just gave me the permissions to do Solo wars. I said: You can take the perms away if I lose one war.
Till now I never lost one and thats never going to happen.
Ps: Ascend yeah it was close but the first 3 wins (by you) was really mean. I just got hand dmd by hampa's magic