Originally Posted by crazylars View Post
I would like to be able to win that nox ghost.. or that toxic force in your inventory...

I haz mad inventory search skillz

Theres sumtin familiar about that... :o

When should we be expecting new question? *prettyplease face*
I has mad finger skills!
Property of [Discount_Death] 2nd Black
Well, firstly I know its only a 24 hour rostor but thinking of un-googleable questions is hard.

Secondly. My inventory is not an infinate abyss.
Echomarine 4 the win
Ugh, i'm finding it difficult to keep a schedule.


I am running out of items dammit. Got plenty of tc but that's for my competitions.

Then close this, you're not perfect, tell these guys to show their worth in your tourniments, wouldn't kill 'em to get some fighting talk going on.
collect snots from the nose
When I can be bothered to think of some decent questions and feel kind enough to give stuff away, then this will be open again.

Then again hell might freeze over.
Echomarine 4 the win