Everyone will have a say in what we choose, unless the higher-ups, (me, brownstain and LadyDeath) decide that we can handle the situation by ourselves.
There will definitely be some members with a little more "power", though, as the members who follow the rules, be nice, work hard and try to do their best for the clan should never be looked over, whereas someone who's just in it for lulz isn't really what we need.
I dont think there'll be any major separation between the ranks apart from Leaders/Rest, but we'll think of that if we become official.
Which brings me onto my next point.
Dont get ahead of yourselves. Nobody has said we're getting official yet, and i want you to bear in mind we might fail this test, i want minimal disappointment if we do, so i think it'd be in your best intrest to try not to think about it.
This is aimed at the people who are saying 'when we get official we should..'
It's just a warning, i dont want to have a huge depression if we do get rejected.
Finally, this mIRC room, we can all use it whenever we like, thought i'd rather use it for big clan discussions if we become official, in the meantime, however, we could always use it for small talk, simply connect to the server asia.toribish.com or mirc.toribash.com and enter #DeM in the small screen that comes up asking which channel you'd like to join. This will connect you to the DeM channel, and then wait for people to join. If anyone does.
Ownagehuh: Thanks, brah.