So ive decided that maybe head hunting would be better then daily challenges as in im going to make a list of ppl that i want decaped.

You will post your replay of capping them and winning the match here.
Rules no instagib and i want them to be new so you must say Smited for MMA in the emote after caping the person.

P.S. I feel i should also do these to show that it can be done im starting today i shall keep updateing daily.
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Last edited by Gamer4200; Apr 30, 2009 at 05:47 AM.
Play your way to become a better gamer.
Mixed Martial Arts Fight to the fullest.
great and awesome idea man,
i think its what i wanted for challenges, something like a hitlist of people to be defeated
sweep, that would work...just gona have to not cheat, you will only be cheating yourself... and im up for tha decap thing, can i do it for splits :P haha
haha no not splits XP decaps and thats why i made it the way i did cause now there can be no cheating or at least i hope.
Play your way to become a better gamer.
Mixed Martial Arts Fight to the fullest.
Lol, Im back. To many problems with [XSV] almost lost some friend because of it. So I quit

Warbanana-Rank 66 (should be like 20 if it would fucking update)
Belt – Custom
GMT/ -6.
Wins- Unknown.
Losses- Unknown.
Win Percent- Unknown.
Total torueny wins-Lots.
Favorite mods. Kickbox, Lenshu, Judo, TK, BB
Real name- Tom
Birthday- Feb 26.
Msn account name. nope
Personal - I skateboard, i paintball, I love girls.
Also: This will be my final clan for a long time, It sucks to take chances with un-steady clans, but this one is well organized, and im now active enough for this clan!
Whats happening? And gamer congrats on becoming a PT or what ever. And warbanana joining your clan...
[200] QI until 10th dan black
5 year vet of Toribash!
thanks for the most part ryan but war isnt in yet i still need to hear from the members and what they think
Play your way to become a better gamer.
Mixed Martial Arts Fight to the fullest.