View Poll Results: What would you like to see more of?
Head Textures
153 Votes / 59.53%
Trail Textures
54 Votes / 21.01%
Full Texture Sets
106 Votes / 41.25%
Custom Logos
25 Votes / 9.73%
Custom Avatars
28 Votes / 10.89%
Custom Signatures
26 Votes / 10.12%
Custom Menus
27 Votes / 10.51%
Other - Post it
15 Votes / 5.84%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 257. You may not vote on this poll
View Poll Results

want the gui ill pay hotpink force 9k and flame partical
i want you to b creative logo i want a evil smiley and header to say sampandora crystal platypus
<Insert Cucumer here>
Okay hmmmm.. I dont need a flame particle, but I'll work on the menu anyways. Check back here often to see if I have it done.
Okay, sampandora, sorry I haven't had time to work on the menu, I had an organic chemistry exam. I should have the menu soon. I'll post it tomorrow morning.
Well i can pay you 22k (don't have more money) for tribal texture set.

colours you can choose the colours of these (don't have to use them all)


You can use just one (can use more) fith some other colour.