Originally Posted by Kamura View Post
Alright, Koi.
That's strike 2.
You're assuming way to much, so grow a brain.

If I can find one more, you're out.
You're acting too much like a child, Koi.

If you're looking for a clan that loves spam, then I don't think you applied to the right clan.

Well, spamming is just isn't my thing, all caps too. My past clans has decent amount of spams in it and didn't went to official.
"Isolate and Devour"
What anime is that?
-I never watched anime except for Pokemon and Bleach.
Definitely not Josh Lintag
If the "+" doesn't count as a word
You could've written "Rosario to vampire"

Hardcore trolling the three word rule.

And Kamura what have you done!? now Koi is disappeared
He should be afraid about you, your monster