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Ahri has a 58% winrate all round. That says absolutely nothing about her strength/viability.
And Malzahar has a 53% winrate in every region, therefore he must be better than the average champion. Fiora has a 54% winrate, therefore we must conclude that Fiora is better than the average champion. Heimerdinger has a 54% winrate in every region, therefore we must conclude Heimerdinger is better than the average champion. Teemo has a higher winrate in the ADC position than Caitlyn does, therefore we must conclude that Teemo is a better ADC than Caitlyn. Taric has a higher winrate in the support role than Janna, Sona, Soraka, and Nami, while Fiddlesticks has the highest winrate out of all the supports, we must conclude that Taric is better than Janna, Sona, Soraka, and Nami, and that Fiddlesticks is the grand poobah of supports.
Do I have to continue in listing reasons why winrates mean jack shit? Or should I continue to list champions that are generally agreed upon as shit tier or pub champs who have greater than 50% win rates? Because Poppy has a 60% winrate in top lane challenger tier, alongside Vladimir, followed up by Trundle, Malphite, and Tryndamere, in that order.