Originally Posted by Kookoo11 View Post
Cough cough

Adc called our team "autistic fucks"
But I was doing better than him ;^;

The common struggle of League...

"But supports can do more than just support..." that's why Braum support can carry better than most adc's who are bad at the game.
But in all reality... I think I might be insane...
I think it's a good time to start prepping for my placements. Time to familiarize myself with some top, mid, and jungle people again. I should probably try to learn liss.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by DrHax View Post
Anyone in lower ELO who's serious about improving can message me and maybe we can figure out what's up.

Kristis, nice job. Hope to see you in Diamond.

Does platinum 1 count as lower elo?

blblblblblblblblblblbl)))))))))) xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa

Originally Posted by DrHax View Post
Anyone in lower ELO who's serious about improving can message me and maybe we can figure out what's up.

Kristis, nice job. Hope to see you in Diamond.

Great guy, helped me from the start and now I suck less. Lov u bby
Fucking hell, my gut told me to run diamond this week, but my stupid brain told me to run reignover .-. I missed out on 30+ points for my jungler slot.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Anyone else having problems with mouse clicks not registering. Started this patch but I'm not sure if its just my mouse, since it only happens in league it seems.
Edit: Well it's just my mouse it seems after some tests.
Last edited by knightz4; Feb 22, 2015 at 01:30 AM.
The All Mighty Penguin Ruler
best feeling ever? When you unintentionally steal baron with leona's ult

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