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I'm assuming you normally play 5v5 based on your comment, so what champion types do you play best as/have the most fun with (tank, dps, jungler, caster, etc. etc.), or what specific champions do you enjoy/are good at, and are you good with skill shots? Quite a few 6300 champs involve at least some ability to skill shot, and some that are totally dependant on it, so it's best if you avoid those if you can't skill shot.
I have got crappy pc, so I can only play 3v3 with 20 fps. 5v5 - 7 fps, so yeah.
I am playing each class champion.
Rammus, Mundo - tanks
Anivia - mage
Olaf, Warwick - jungle, dps
Jax, Warwick, Tryndamere - line, dps
I enjoy Anivia the most. In late game I'd kill any champion in 3 or less seconds.
What do I need is range dps and assasin, so I'm thinking about teemo/twitch and nocturne.
By the way, I don't like playing female champions, but Anivia is exception.