Originally Posted by
Except I feel like 70% of all adc in my mmr are retarded .-.
No but in all seriousness, I believe if I recall right you played a bunch of league, but hardly played any ranked. The game hasn't surveyed you enough to give you a higher MMR than your League, and you'll get worse players until you show league you are better than what you're at.
If you are genuinely better than the people around you, regardless of what role or champion you play (bar few exception, like Urgot...), your MMR goes up, regardless of what your LP does. If your MMR is higher, you'll win a lot more LP than you'll lose, until you're actually playing people of your skill level.
*edit* On the topic of counters: it's obvious they exist, but you can play past counters. Especially as Spar said in lower ELOs. For instance, I dominated a Lissandra mid lane as Heimer, despite her having loads of tools as that champion to crush me. Inversely, the day before I got demolished in a game where I went Malphite Top against Yi, and though that matchup was heavily favored in Malphite's direction AND I main Malphite, I died 4 times (0-4) just in laning phase alone. I lost us the game.
tl;dr: Play what you want and learn to overcome "counters". Skill counters bullshit. Even if you are Karthus attempting to kill Kalista...
I actually play with an MMR lower than average because I play duo queue 80% of the time with a player much better than me. Pro side being I've accelerated my learning ten fold by forcing myself to fix mistakes as they get punished far worse the higher ELO I get, the con side being I'm usually one of the worst in the game and my friend has to carry a fair amount of games.