howdy id like to join realx all
i think atm i only know kickass in the clan
im a second dan
i want to join cuz im tired of bein clanless
my favorite mod is akido
and my old clans none of the 2 were official so they dont matter
Bring Beer
@ ace, you probably didnt read the first post ;p dont worry you're not the only one... so we'll give you our basic routine treatment ... (that should be smth close to hammering you ;p)

talking about app's, then we're not interested in your story, we're interested in how good you are and how much you *pay attention* .. you just lost some points for not putting much effort to your application - not reading the first post properly...

While you take your blind shot to join a clan almost the best in history, then everything matters with your ex-clans, not that it makes much of a difference that you may get in, but so we can check that you aren't multiclanning and such...

So considering all this, ofc i dont know what others may say (which means they will prolly hammer you ;p ), just post some decent replays .. wushu replays ...
But why's the rum gone? :v
/invades with Sahee's Old Hammer

Hi Ace! Grats on your 46th post! No but seriously you need to realize where you are posting (other then the fact the thread says for you to read the first post in all capital letters). What I mean is you are looking at the guys who came in 2nd place in the clan league and THE most stylish clan ever. Also, (lol I know this will sound hypocritically) you shouldn't just tell someone like RA that you want to join because "Your tired of being clanless". You then stated your favorite mod is Aikido? This is a freestyle wushu clan that focuses on style with skill. Id reccomend heading your quarters to iCoF if you are looking for a less demanding aikido clan to join "just because your tired of being clanless". Lol it really rubs me the wrong way when people like you send these type of applications in while im sitting here waiting to make my strongest application yet with replays that I relaxall and exhibit all the openers Iv made.

/Sahee's Old Hammer
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
hxc , you're wrong about one thing, you're not Sah's old hammer ;p that was much brutal and wiser xd
But why's the rum gone? :v
Originally Posted by ace14 View Post
howdy id like to join realx all

Last edited by H4rl3quin; Jun 11, 2009 at 06:13 PM.
Originally Posted by ace14 View Post
howdy id like to join realx all
i think atm i only know kickass in the clan
im a second dan
i want to join cuz im tired of bein clanless
my favorite mod is akido
and my old clans none of the 2 were official so they dont matter

No replays? Looks like a bad case of selective blindness (firstpostusnoreadus)

i'm sorry (not really) but generally we don't deal with the diseased, also not in you're favor is the apparent limits of you're mental faculties. You come to a wushu clan and post nothing about wushu in you're application - instead mentioning aikido which quite frankly we don't give a damn about. Oh and you misspelt the clan name :O!!!@:{$£!¬ER$%^&OP:@ XO!!!!

I'm gonna personally FAIL you're application before even waiting for the replays seeing as you already don't meet one of our 3 simple requirements

these requirements beeing:
  • be skilled at relaxed wushu fighting
  • be stylish/unique
  • maintain atleast the minimal standards of intellegence
Last edited by Nikelaos; Jun 11, 2009 at 05:48 PM.
Ass is a common ghetto suffix
well actually ya i know im kinda stupid for not knowing this but i dont know how to post replays
Bring Beer
Lol I swear this will be the last time I say anything about this guy since I am not even in RelaxAll but just because this is to easy...

Ace14: There is a really sick clan out there that totally fits you. Just add [ShortBus] to your name. You are invited.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!