janna op
I'm talking about AP udyr.
Umm.... What.
And it doesn't matter if blitzcrank is sub-optimal in top or jungle or even mid because I have full confidence in my ability to beat people anyways. I'm not picking blitz solely because I'm comfortable on it, but because I've practiced it so much in various roles that I'm familiar with meta matchups and how to win them, alongside things to not pick in to them. I can win lane as AP udyr against a nasus, Blitz against Riven, tank Yasuo against a darius, AP blitz against a syndra. Doesn't matter how "suboptimal" a pick is if you're good enough on it to play it and win anyways.
Yeah, I understand, I just think there is only so far you can get with suboptimal picks. You hit high elo with that sort of thing and people are going to start exploiting you for it. I'm not saying those champs are bad or that you can't win, just that the reason people don't trust it is because they are less likely to win games as a whole.
The problem is that I've seen too many winnable games go down the drain because some idiot believes too much in meta superiority and starts throwing because somebody isn't playing the meta and some problem happens.
Yeah, that one's rough, I've dealt with that. Arguing in general causes most of the losses at my elo.
My complaining about not being able to carry? Too bad i wasn't that wu and was on the opposite winning side.
Hahaaha I was talking about Sparchar, my b.
AP udyr is a primarily troll pick that I've found works incredibly well against lower elos because I can split push incredibly fast using pheonix stance, and I'm virtually immovable in laning, which then transitions into a surprisingly tanky skirmisher.
Basically, I'm abusing the safe harass that pheonix stance provides in laning alongside it's huge split push power, then using turtle stance to tank in the mid to late game. Early sheen into nashors tooth followed by a sunfire if laning is ending, finishing trinity force or lich bane otherwise, liandries and deathcap eventually rounds it out. It's entirely inefficient and bad, but it makes an otherwise boring champ to me interesting.
I don't need to auto them, I auto a minion and use the cone splash to harass. That's why it's safe.
And if I'm still winning my lane and doing my job while I'm using an unorthadox build, while you're metahumping and losing your lane hard, the problem is you, not me.
And it's not like I pick this stuff against people's will, I ask before I pick because I know they might object. It's just annoying that I can beat people using these odd picks, but I risk losing the game solely because some fucktard gives up in champ select, so I can't use my champion pool to it's maximum. It doesn't matter how good you are as Urgot if you never get a chance to use it.