View Poll Results: agree
9 Votes / 64.29%
2 Votes / 14.29%
i'd rather leave
3 Votes / 21.43%
Voters: 14. You may not vote on this poll
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It's still in the process of making, but if u use screen resolution greater then 1024x768 it should not show.
Since there are still lots of people using IE (idk why) I have to correct lots of things.
Last edited by 8OJ4N; Jan 30, 2010 at 02:15 PM.
I wanted to make sig like this [Piratez][Comic-Tori:Blush] like links to Our DSC and my web page (when i finish the page)
But nooo, there is no way...
Originally Posted by hkp326 View Post
well nvm i dont sell my texture cuz they never get sold...

Well, it's a sort of a gamble, even I didn't sold some of them.
O.o.... Dunno what happened to Grayve, but i beat him 5-0,, so im an ELITE
I am back yo!