Sirhcez isn't the only decent singed player out there. Plenty of people make singed work. Looper's singed is pretty famous. Dyrus was known for his singed. They are not weak champions by any means, and Nasus in particular completely nullifies the enemy top laner if played to his fullest potential. Is Lee Sin weak because a large portion of the player base isn't insec/cruzer?

Also, pantheon top into nasus isn't as good as you might think. I've seen the matchup played in various diamond 1/challenger games albeit, only about 3 times), and what usually happens is: nasus starts cloth + 5, farms under turret. If the enemy jungler is a ganker like lee or something, they usually go for a dive, maybe possibly kill nasus, usually wither is too strong. Nasus backs after getting enough gold for a chain vest, goes back to lane and starts farming easier. Pantheon has to work more to win trades and gets a brutalizer, which leads to nasus winning more trades because nasus now has a decent amount of Q stacks and pantheon just dropped a whole lotta money on an item that won't really help too much with anything except making spears hurt as much as they did before nasus got armor.

0/4 as Nasus in lane is highly improbable in any game either way, it's actually difficult to die that many times in lane as Nasus. There are various reasons nasus doesn't see much pro play, such as how easily he can be kited and how ineffective the nasus/trynd style of splitpushing is in coordinated play. That doesn't make nasus weak by any means, however, it just means he doesn't fit into the particular pro meta very well.
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
Sirhcez isn't the only decent singed player out there. Plenty of people make singed work. Looper's singed is pretty famous. Dyrus was known for his singed. They are not weak champions by any means, and Nasus in particular completely nullifies the enemy top laner if played to his fullest potential. Is Lee Sin weak because a large portion of the player base isn't insec/cruzer?

Also, pantheon top into nasus isn't as good as you might think. I've seen the matchup played in various diamond 1/challenger games albeit, only about 3 times), and what usually happens is: nasus starts cloth + 5, farms under turret. If the enemy jungler is a ganker like lee or something, they usually go for a dive, maybe possibly kill nasus, usually wither is too strong. Nasus backs after getting enough gold for a chain vest, goes back to lane and starts farming easier. Pantheon has to work more to win trades and gets a brutalizer, which leads to nasus winning more trades because nasus now has a decent amount of Q stacks and pantheon just dropped a whole lotta money on an item that won't really help too much with anything except making spears hurt as much as they did before nasus got armor.

0/4 as Nasus in lane is highly improbable in any game either way, it's actually difficult to die that many times in lane as Nasus. There are various reasons nasus doesn't see much pro play, such as how easily he can be kited and how ineffective the nasus/trynd style of splitpushing is in coordinated play. That doesn't make nasus weak by any means, however, it just means he doesn't fit into the particular pro meta very well.

I'm not arguing that Nasus should never be picked because he has no LCS representation. Nor am I arguing that you shouldn't play Nasus period. What I read from you was "You don't ever really lose lane as Nasus", to which you have agreed - Nasus can lose lane, reasonably hard.

Additionally- Singed got a lot worse as champion with the introduction of Gnar and Lissandra meta top lane. And the fact that they savaged his ult.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Playing through the past 7 of my ranked promotionals has been the worst experience of my life.
Along with consistently being stuck with jg and adc, my two least favorite roles, I also seem to be suffering from an immense trial of riot matchmaking giving me the shortest of the short sticks. (Whether it be teemo adc or teemo support or some other form of teemmate torture.)
As for this gem. We were pretty sure jinx was an intermediate bot after she went top with gnar and didn't leave, while ahri decided to take a nice bath for the first 10 minutes of the game.

Braum was there for them

Playing passive and farming just won't work? Even if I can hold lane and go 0/0/0 by 10 minutes with exceptional cs, I can't help my team being down 30-6 by 20 minutes..
I also have three of my placements left. I'll probably finish them up over the weekend. Its going to be pretty damn exciting to play versus people close to my level. No matter how shit thats going to be.
Originally Posted by Skolfe View Post
Playing through the past 7 of my ranked promotionals has been the worst experience of my life.
Along with consistently being stuck with jg and adc, my two least favorite roles, I also seem to be suffering from an immense trial of riot matchmaking giving me the shortest of the short sticks. (Whether it be teemo adc or teemo support or some other form of teemmate torture.)
As for this gem. We were pretty sure jinx was an intermediate bot after she went top with gnar and didn't leave, while ahri decided to take a nice bath for the first 10 minutes of the game.

Braum was there for them

Playing passive and farming just won't work? Even if I can hold lane and go 0/0/0 by 10 minutes with exceptional cs, I can't help my team being down 30-6 by 20 minutes..

Good job with thirty assists and one death
RedPanda won't fuck his dog
Originally Posted by Kristis133 View Post
EDIT: Just played this japanese porn character in mid lane.
Holy cow I have no idea how this champion works.

Read a geometry textbook. You have now read an elaborate manual on Q.

Now just follow up every Q you land with your R. Drown in money.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Yeah , sivir is my main for ADC...She get a lot of Attack speed and a nice shield with you can block thing like jinx ult or ashe one...Ezreal one too if i remember well.
French Player, Old member of OFRO