Now, I wasn't trying to be mean or call you all bad by saying rank means nothing, I was just pointing out, just because a clan is rank 1 doesn't mean they are good or amazing. Though yes, most of you are atleast somewhat mature.
My pet rock died today.
Thanks Eboy. I did understand you though. Also, kicked Sylvern and D1n. And invited tori59 back.
Modo Bestia
\off topic im back guys, sorry for leave last time.. But now im happy to be in Beta again..
Pd:sorry for my english
...Uh...You must be a guy who was here before me...Well anyways if you wanna come back it's not that simple "Hey guys add me back since i left!" You need make an app again.
He was a loyal member, Dawg. And a pretty nice guy. It's ok.
hampa Moderated Message:
q dice illo
replay maker kinda
Originally Posted by jdawg2001 View Post
...Uh...You must be a guy who was here before me...Well anyways if you wanna come back it's not that simple "Hey guys add me back since i left!" You need make an app again.

well.. if you want me to make an app, i will try... but i think it wont be useful since i got invited but.... your choice
I just loved the idea of the Trainer/Teacher. Can you make that rank, Nerti?
hampa Moderated Message:
q dice illo
replay maker kinda