EDIT: Just played this japanese porn character in mid lane.
Holy cow I have no idea how this champion works.
So recently I've been trying some new builds and strategies w/ champions I would not usually play. With the recent changes to Fizz, would building any AP on him be viable at all? I've only been seeing AD Fizz's lately.
Read a geometry textbook. You have now read an elaborate manual on Q.
Now just follow up every Q you land with your R. Drown in money.
was confused for a bit cause i was like "who da fk is the japanese porn character..." (cause i like, skipped right past the pic xD) then i read oracles post and it made sense, yeah vel'koz the tenticle porno.
also i just feel like pointing out that riven is stronk until you go up against a whole team that says fuck you :3 (aka kennen top liss mid mao jung braum and vayne bot .-.) like, even with merc treads she cant do sqaut in a teamfight, i heard she likes da CC in her face xD.
This might just be the best tutorial I've ever read. Haha.
I'm a bit confused on how his stacks work(I think it's his passive, not sure, too lazy to check, the little triangles that appear when you hit someone with one of your abilities). Any tips on how to use it properly? (When harassing or going all in)
Also, as an ex-riven main I can tell you, while she's extremely fun to play, I don't think she's in the meta anymore. Well if you'll snowball to like six kills in lane, then of course you will stomp everyone. But it's just simply too risky. If you don't get kills - you'll lose. If you can't farm to the point where you miss only a few cs - you'll lose. You should focus on late game champions, that's the best way to win, especially in lower tiers since people don't know how to focus on objectives there so the games are long as hell.
If You Don't Get The Reference
Yeah, making plays and escapes with Riven is the best thing ever. The frustration the enemy goes through when you run away from them with 20hp after stunning them and using million dashes and jumps to get away. Priceless.
Also, Trundle got buffed. And the thing is that he wasn't even bad before. I'm going to try him out in top lane, he might be really good right now.
It's not even just that Trundle got buffed, it's that Tanky junglers got extremely buffed. When tanky junglers get buffed, many of them stay in the jungle, but some take that buff with them and play that champion top lane instead. Trundle is amazing against Tanky Tops, which just haven't been meta for awhile with all this Lissandra/Gnar/Rumble/Irelia dominated meta for top lane. So you have trundle getting buffed, and you have the champions trundle does well against also getting buffed which will influence the meta. I won't say anything concrete but my predictions are:
a) Trundle could become a FOTM counterpick
b) You could see a rise in Sejuani bans. She was among the only top tier junglers at the moment who wasn't getting banned because you have to spend bans on J4/Vi and with a new item buffing Sejuani, this could put her over the top.
Sejuani had the highest win rate for like 3-4 months now(sitting at 56,8% and I bet it'll go even higher). With this Cinderhulk Enchantment item, she should be broken as hell. If that's the case, I'll spam her in soloQ before they nerf her.
I'll test her in soloQ today and will post the results here. I'd love to test Trundle aswell, but I don't have him, unfortunately. :'c