Ye, 5.4 veigar stun was too ridiculously gimped. It jumped from a .25 second barely telegraphed stun field into a 1 second highly telegraphed stun field.
5.5 veigar, compared to old veigar, is just .25 seconds longer on deployment, as old veigar deployed the stun at the end of the .25 second casting animation, while 5.5 veigar starts the .5 second delay at the start of the casting animation. And it got about 100 more range on it, if memory serves, so it's actually quite strong right now.
Arguably, 5.5 veigar has comparable power to old veigar in mid lane, though not at the same level as he was in support.
Iloomihnautilus Comfirned
You realise a vast majority of LoL players are Bronze, right? Also being in Bronze doesn't mean we're all retarded players. I have good mechanics, my map awareness and objective taking is very bad though. :L