Lolololololololololol did you guys not read the part that I was just kidding and messing around? Lmfao. Ahahahahaha ohgod. Didn't know a joke that even said was a joke was so serious. I'm on my phone atm though so yeah. Do what you want. Loyal members show their true colors by staying. From what I know. Blah, jetfox, gradeger, piegod, trickbob, and ian are the only ones to turn to since you guys can't take a joke... oh well I guess.
Lolololololololololol did you guys not read the part that I was just kidding and messing around? Lmfao. Ahahahahaha ohgod. Didn't know a joke that even said was a joke was so serious. I'm on my phone atm though so yeah. Do what you want. Loyal members show their true colors by staying. From what I know. Blah, jetfox, gradeger, piegod, trickbob, and ian are the only ones to turn to since you guys can't take a joke... oh well I guess.