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I swear, some bronze players give me brain tumors because they don't understand the basics of league. I had to tell my volibear support to get a sightstone because he was insistent on building tanky, and he only reluctantly did it and basically decided to try to be snide about every time vision didn't contribute to teamfights, regardless if he contributed to it with his "tankiness" (he'd still die in like 2 seconds if the enemy team even bothered to focus him).
"vision didn't win us that teamfight" - Volibear from the other side of the map
Situation in midgame is I'm ahead on Jinx compared to their adc because of a failed dive from them, but their critplank is massive right now with IE and sheen and stattik because I caused a silver player to want to try out Blitz top and he has no idea how to play Blitz properly in any lane other than support.
So ya, not exactly the easiest thing for me to avoid with level 1 boots and an ie, particularly since they also have a skarner and a kat, so I'm basically hoping that I never get flanked at all ever more than once because I'm pretty much forced to blow flash the instant they do. Volibear doesn't have a goddamn sightstone and insists on rushing their adc, who is behind, because he wants to "take their attention off of me". Which is fine, if the reason he was taking the attention off of me wasn't because he's going horribly out of position by diving to get a carry that is behind so "lucien can't focus me", so basically nobody in their right mind follows him. Because ya, I'm totally shaking in my boots at the pickaxe longsword lucien, and not the aforementioned gp, skarner, and kat that are gunning for me every fight.
So here he goes, diving past river through 50 thousand bushes getting wailed on by 3 or 4 people at a time while I dare not venture past river because I know that critplank is just sitting inside of a goddamn bush waiting for me to walk up to 2 shot me, but I can't place a goddamn ward without walking in range and I can't fucking poke him with my superior range on autos because I have no goddamn vision. Or fucking kat is sitting off to the side, and I can't walk up because I'm basically going to implode when she activates everything to kill me. Or skarner just flashes forward and ults me, so kat and gp can both take a shit down my throat. So we either let him die alone while we get no kills in response, or we follow behind him and pray to every god in existence that some of them are on the other side of and almost unwarded map while we hopeless try to catch up to q speed volibear chasing a lucien and a lulu.
Trying to explain to him that by him diving deep, he leaves our backline more exposed because it forces us to walk up much more to stay relevant than their frontline needs to back up to stay relevant fell upon deaf, and probably retarded, ears. Thankfully, the rest of our team wasn't as dumb. We still facechecked way too many bushes because there's only so much you can do when you've had most of your resources strangled out because of no vision so you can barely finish your upgraded trinkets to get the vision back, resorting to a single scrying orb to set up any further warding until then, but eventually their gp threw because he became impatient at sieging a nexus down and let us get a perfect ace to push their nexus down.
I don't know why I join the bronze crew in their teambuilder escapades every time .-. I've probably lost 10 years of my life from that game alone.
yo suck why didnt u carry dem.
but being all honest. if u want to win, u can win bronze games so easy.
a friend wanted to duoq, he's bronze 4, ive got my smurf who is still in placements, but is supposed to be low silver.
so we end up with people from silver 5 - bronze 1.
picked yi.
after 30mins i was able to 1v5 the enemy team, bcuz idgaf about my friend who went mid lane (he went 1/11 ish with LB) but top and bot luckily won.
so there we had a fed lux on the enemy team, a shaco who kept laughing at me for playing a noob champ, a morgana which was actually playing good, and a sad top lane nauti who i added after the game because he was such a nice guy.
thats pretty much tl;dr every bronze game, the left ADC is usually in that scenario urself.