I recommended him to apply.
EJM do you thing

@Gamer EJM is the background checker of our clan. He will check to see if you have been banned or have scammed people or anything else that warrants an instant denial.

After that you have to pass 2 out of 3 tests (you can see them on the front page)

FYI: he already passed the skills test for marketing. That's why I invited him over and he seemed like a nice guy. He has also been very active since he started marketing which is why i noticed him.

Alright thats me. Now its everyone else's turn

"[11:17pm] Thorn: I'm gonna have to ask you to stop being so productive"
Originally Posted by Update View Post
He has to buy my items to get in ;o

No he doesn't :/
living up to your avatar i see

"[11:17pm] Thorn: I'm gonna have to ask you to stop being so productive"
:P i know you were kidding but this thread isn't the place to do it
now enough off topic
people need to come online and discuss gamer

"[11:17pm] Thorn: I'm gonna have to ask you to stop being so productive"
Originally Posted by Gamer4200 View Post
Ello My Name is Allen One of your members asked me to apply thinking that i May be a good addition to the team.

Past Clans-Evo RA Was Founder of MW and MMA
Im a Custom Belt with 32k games played
Alt Accounts a freind gave me his old account named released but i dont use him
i also made DirtyNinja to screw with some old freinds of mine next thing i knew there was a group of us useing Ninja alts and the Alt im useing Now is a secret unless i get in sorry but helps ppl not follow me around. I have no issues on any accounts that i have used.

U will say all your alternatives b4 i find them , keeping accounts a secret its not a option, remember i will know if you lie
ehh alright why not
GonnaWin Freind was Gonnaloose

GonnaWin and Beserker have been offline for a long while i use GoldKnight to hold my empty sets and play to stop ppl for going omg its a custom belt and following me around
Play your way to become a better gamer.
Mixed Martial Arts Fight to the fullest.
Originally Posted by TheSecret View Post
U will say all your alternatives b4 i find them , keeping accounts a secret its not a option, remember i will know if you lie

Very ironic considering we are called Secret :P
but yea gamer nobody is going to look at the Secret forums to find out your alt's
Just give them over.

"[11:17pm] Thorn: I'm gonna have to ask you to stop being so productive"
You sure those are all your alts?
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

yeah that i can remeber i started playing this what 3 or 4 years ago
Play your way to become a better gamer.
Mixed Martial Arts Fight to the fullest.