Originally Posted by
hello, i just want to inform you that member of your clan "nikag" just ragequitted lenshu match because he was about to lose
as far as i am considered, he embarassed your clan. so please consider who are you giving your clantags.
Please don't come on here talking shit about members.
Use proper grammar and spelling if you want to be taken seriously. Also, rage-quitting refers to the act of quitting a game because you are upset or angry at the opponents or the game.
He may have just quit because he didn't want to lose.
In addition, please do not give suggestions where you have no authority, telling us how to run our clan and who to give our clan-tags to.
And don't act like you haven't done it, because we all have. He made a mistake, and we all forgive him.
Now go somewhere else and bother someone there.
P.S. You don't have to sign this like its a letter, because we can see who wrote it by easily looking to the left.