Age:16 years
Belt : 2Dan black
Country/GMT:Lithuania, +2 GMT
How long have you been playing TB? (1 year minimum):~1.5 years
Forum Activity (From 1-10):9
In-Game Activity (From 1-10):8
Previous Clans:Gods, Fake, Pure, Radius,...
Why did you leave/get kicked?:Thouse clans was inactive in forum and game.
Special Skills?: I can speak in english, and russian, so I can easy translate.I am pro at photoshop cs5 , so I am making textures , and selling them.(avatars, body textures, banners...)
Any infractions/bans?:I was banned once, nothing special becouse phiser tryed to steal my acc.
I hope I can join your clan, becouse I am searching for realy active clan, and I think I can help you
P.S Example of my work