thanks for the thoughts and i think that the clan owners and members are nice guys. i have played with now about 2. 2pro4you and ThePitcher. they are real nice guys and i would like it if i could join the clan. also 2pro did ask me some questions about how i like the game a stuff. so yes thank you guys for your time

your boy
i have to give you a yes then raging! , if many of the members say you are a great player and a nice guy, i have to say yes
@pitcher; check the earlier page for the actual app..

@raging; you are in if both LT and TR say yes.
A proud ex-leader of the mighty [Hunters]
Age: 16
Belt (Minimum Black):black
How happy are you with your level of skill in the game ? :a lot
Why do you want to join us and not another clan?(please explain in depth):i want to help this clan get back on top and i peek this clan,You guys nice and i love the name
Are you recommended by one of our members ? (if so,by who ?) :no
Have you read our rules,and do you agree to follow them if accepted ?yes
Favorite/Best Official Mod:aikdo,judo,wushu
Special skills (Can't include ingame skills.Can include Movie Making, Art and Textures,textures and freeruning[ Dancing, etc.):
Examples of that skill(at least 2 would be nice):freeruning got a replay of it,textures
Previous Clans(if any):deadangel, tpc,kickz
Favorite Forum(if any):no
Toribash organizations Affiliated With(if any):nop
Do you have an alternate account,and if so,what is it ?( we don't allow multi-clanning) : no
Level of forum Activity(Required):8 out 10
Number of Infractions:omm idk
Attached Files
kevin first freerun.rpl (91.0 KB, 4 views)
kevin first head kick.rpl (52.2 KB, 4 views)
kevin snow pack 12.rpl (38.4 KB, 4 views)
kevin kill.rpl (22.1 KB, 4 views)
Im back!
ill have to give a yes to kevin, hes app is nice, i like his joining reason, and his replays show much of his skill, though, when we were ingame talking, it might have been typo or your grammar is not so good, but, a yes or you
"Why do you want to join us and not another clan?(please explain in depth):i want to help this clan get back on top and i peek this clan,You guys nice and i love the name"

Seems a little arrogant however the rest of the app is good. I think for me to say yes you have to provide a different reason to why you want to join us. Also the grammar is average, but acceptable.
I'm Naturally a Ginger and Just a heads up; you play with fire, expect to burned

My Video; By Hours

when he says "i want to help this clan get back up on its feet, he is going by the rank of our clan, because its low, we dont have many clan wars, we tend to not worry about them, i just dont like how he said "i love the name", its...not really...not sure how to say it but, its not really showing respect,

but its not changing my answer
@Raging444 : Yes from me,I'll rust 2pro's judgement.
@kevinnash : Your play style is interesting,if a bit stiff at times.Some multy replays would come in handy.However,I don't get the Messiah complex thing.As far as I'm aware,we're not searching for help and I'm not really sure what kind of help you want to offer.Rest assured,we can survive without it.Several dudes have tried to apply with the idea of "helping this clan",and all of them have left it.Without doing anything for the clan.Also I'd appreciate it if you try to improve your english,we'll be able to understand each other better.It's a yes for now,but I still have my doubts about you.
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself:
Lol I looked at the list of clans he has been in... Top 3 clans i dont like or something like that.. And the reason of joining didn't convince me really. Fav mods wushu and judo..? You got to start playing less frames/turn mods because nobody in Hunters plays judo anymore.. Going for a no now. Again, same as with others. I want to see how you play in multiplayer before saying final answer.
A proud ex-leader of the mighty [Hunters]