Christmas Lottery
Kamura could you make me an avatar's like yours?
You can choose the colours. Guys I am planing on starting a new head.
Give me ideas, NAO!
Hi Natejas :>
Cartoon anime style.
Or make a superhero.

free my melanin-enhanced fellow bobby shmurda
Kony's #1 Shooter
8:21 PM <duck> I'll touch your market all over

August Ames didn't die for this
Cyber, I'll make you one, but I doubt it'll have that in the center.
As for Holk, I'll do what I can.

Also, everything I make is according to my mood.
Frost is pretty cool
Just anywhere but the sides.

Also right my name at the bottom right, and add a small Philippine flag at the upper left corner.

Small enough to fit but large enough to see.
"Isolate and Devour"
Oh, just do whatever you can as long the background color is mainly blue with some small black details.

Also for the symbol too.
"Isolate and Devour"