Before you read this post, i'm not intentionally trolling or flaming here, so take it as constructive criticism.
First off, you applied with a decent post and didn't make over 9000 typo's like half the posts on here, gj =)
Also, i understand that you're friends with most of the clan, so i feel very slightly bad about the rest of this post, anyway:
replay ratings:
0 owned ex nasty.rpl - not really anything interesting here. You dm his leg messily and perhaps unintentionally, too, but we.
0 ownage split brah.rpl - It's a nice split. Opener wins won't impress much, but a win is a win. Dancing afterwards was very stiff and ugly, though.
0 KB decap lol 1st time.rpl - messy
0 touch down arm rip.rpl - he dm'ed his own arm and you threw it at the ground. c'mon, you know that's not a saveworthy replay.
0 i ownt rutzor in kb.rpl - well, you beat the guy, but hardly "ownt him", since he was ahead in points, and had more style.
0 wushu decap on raqe.rpl - Instagibfeet.
0dengue almost decap.rpl - ALMOST decap? ? why post it lol.
0 0 rip in half kb 0.rpl - nah, it's a shock break. Nothing special at all.
the truth is that you're going to need more special stuff than this. And the instagib feet one was not cool at all.
Your movement is very stiff, from what i can see. You use the relax button, but not often, and most of the time you're forcing a lot of joints with no purpose.
ps - the word "owned" is so not cool. If you said it ingame you'd be a cockhead. So don't name replays with it. Especially when there's no real ownage involved.
so that may seem kinda harsh, but noone ever got anywhere without brutal honest criticism.
edit: and i'd like you to explain that incident with a forum allegedly created by you to criticise the admins etc ?
edit2: also, if you think i'm wrong, tell me =p
edit3: arent you in power ??
Last edited by H4rl3quin; Jun 26, 2009 at 08:07 AM.