Algebra is pretty easy if you understand the concept Algebra explainationShowthe concept is just add numbers with same variables like 2X and 3X 3Y and 4Y if it's in equation it look like this for example 2X+5XY+7Z+3X+2XY from here we can group the number that have same variables (2X+3X)+(2XY+5XY)+7Z because Z only alone just leave it like that and just do normal way 5X+7XY+7Z that is the result,well...i think everyone will understand this but what if the question like this 7(X+Y)? or (X+Y)(2X+2Y)? for the first questions it's like this 7(X+Y) just times each variable with 7 like this (7xX)+(7+Y) after this you just need multiply it 7X+7Y that's all for the second question it pretty bit tricky,if you want to know that PM me
Algebra explaination