Christmas Lottery
I thought it was pre season... k den.

Anyways, I was owning people with Ahri. 31/2 with my main which I don't use often. I kept on begging for people to NOT end the match/surrender so I can get more kills. My team ended it doe

Oh and thanks fluttershy.
click my sig for a great time (WIP)
im smoking weed out of a pussy filled with money i like this
Originally Posted by GodlyGirl View Post
you know the faster you end a game the faster you can start a new = more xp

Well. That's nice to know. No wonder why the other team was asking me if they could surrender. Lol.

I'm trying to actually BUY Ahri, not just play her because of the champion rota.
click my sig for a great time (WIP)
im smoking weed out of a pussy filled with money i like this
And Flutter, you get Ip from the duration of the game, not the kills and such of your perssonal score. Look up tramplinetales and he will explain

LeBlanc - Duration: 23 minutes, IP earned 70something.
Leona - Duration: 36 minutes, IP earned about the same.

Both the duration and the team kills affect the ip you earn (that, or euw is special)