Name: My name is Wesley, though I prefer to be called Wes.
Age: I'm 12, though my maturity has greatly improved over the last few months.
Belt: I'm currently a 3rd Dan Black Belt.
GMT: Greenwich Mean Time -7
Past Clans: I have been in -iAm, LOTP, Zero, Quest, Asian, and Revenge.
Special Skills (Art, Videos, Marketing, Events, Etc..): I replay make, specifically tricking, and a bit of sparring. I'm trying to get into parkour, and madmans, too. I'm an aspiring anime artist, but I haven't had too much time to dabble with GIMP, though I plan on getting more into it.
Player Card:
Previous Nicks or Former Accounts? (If any): I haven't had any previous accounts, though I do have one alternate account, and that is in case anything happens to this one.
Recommendations/Vouchers (eVo & Single Allies): Nah, I decided to apply on my own.
Modes You're Good At (Wushu, Aikido, TaekKyon, Kickbox, Etc..): I'm pretty good at Taekkyon and Aikido, but I pretty much stick to single player.
About Yourself: I'm a pretty easy going kid, even though I get excited over certain things. I have a pretty good sense of humor, so I don't really take any jokes personally. I have been told I'm really smart, but I shine most in Mathematics, where I take a class two grade levels ahead of me. I'm a nice person, I'll respect anyone who hasn't given me a reason not to respect them. I got hooked on games when I first got a Playstation 2 at around age 8. I loved playing games like Grand Theft Auto and Guitar Hero, even if I was a bit young for them. Fast forward a few years, I had gotten an Xbox 360, but I figured out how much better gaming on PC was from the internet. I started gaming on my computer with games like Minecraft and Team Fortress 2. I was looking at my friend's Youtube video of him playing toribash. I saw it, and I was instantly hooked. Here I am today, playing Toribash.
Why Do You Want To Join [eVo]?: You guys are awesome guys. I've played and talked to most of you before, and you're just generally cool people. You also are very great at what you do, whether it's replay making, art, video making, or even just plain Toribashing.
What Do You Wish To Accomplish Here/Future Plans If Accepted Into [eVo]: I hope to become a respected member of the clan, and a good friend of all of you. I also think that being in eVo will help me become a better person, even if I don't have much to better the clan itself.