Christmas Lottery
Sorry for not posting much here.
Being as much of a no-life otaku as much it's possible for a human being atm.
Doing completely nothing useful at all. Should probably begin being a bit more productive.

Also, kakajade, stop saying silly things like "we have a life".
You don't. I don't. Nobody here does. Because we're here. We all are hampa's slaves.
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
Are you serious? The hell do you even do on the forums?
I balance toribash and my school life pretty well.

Originally Posted by fudgiebalz View Post
i never asked anything

and then learn instead of doing homework

just school first then relaxation

How can you have such a strong will?
If I did everything like you're saying we should do...
I'd have, like, the best grades possible
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
"discipline" Fudgiebalz , gij zit nog nii in het 4e middelbaar he , ge zit nog ma int 2e , das nii moeilijk . Wacht ma binnen 3 jaar .

Also Arthur , you have no life , you play cs , M&M, tb , megamen ,...

Also fudg , i first learn guitar , then relaxing . But realy , don't tell me what to do kid , i folow my own way , i also have to do what you told me
Bakajade strikes again. like dude... forum takes 2 hours of your day and you could study 1 hour a day (depending on subject). "IF" i were you i wouldn't complain on Toribash, i would complain on gaming when you know you have to study to get grades to able to preform a job for money and be happy.

Sleep (8-9 hours) Study (2 hours ;)) >Work (look for a job to get money when you get into the age of 16-1 > Gaming
<@Scorp> koor i love you