iPiru: umad.
Junibug: Why so?
Gamer: I agree :3
Teslaa: I do.
<Marco> and then Oblivion tried to sexually assault me
<Oblivion> and Marco wasn't surprised at all
lolololololol ipiru is mad.
to do list:
succesfully troll a newfaeg - Check
assassinate hannah montanah -
hack tengo's acc -
1st: "lolololololol" - why so many lols, this expression cannot be made up by multiplying, as i guess you did: lol = laughing out loud, so "lolololololol" means laughing out loud out loud out loud out loud out loud out loud . impressive, quite the thinker...
2nd: "faeg" - why faeg if it is fag?! or faggot? i understand it is longer and looks better...but won't make you be cooler. i hope.

i cannot understand you...but i stop trying. very nice goals by the way, you are very funny, but i prefer looking at a dogshit than reading your posts full of shitty words, little faggot expression, retardness, and things that don't make sense at all. by the time i wrote it down i feel a bit of madness, but as i read back, it's understandable.
the worst is that i kind of know what it will make you write, which is sad.
bro of davidovsky
it's a new one
guys, i made a new replay, which i think is awesome! it's kind of a football trick, when you spin the ball on your head.
CHECK THIS OUT! -tengo am i allowed to write here these kind of shits, cause i thought that we don't have replay thread, i can.-
rate please.
Attached Files
iPiruDecap018HOLYSHIT2.rpl (313.7 KB, 7 views)
iPiruDecap018OHMYGOD.rpl (239.7 KB, 8 views)
Last edited by iPiru; Dec 22, 2010 at 02:57 PM.
bro of davidovsky
@iPiru - I'm going to comment on the second replay since its an extended version of the first one, the punch looks a little weak but i quite like the way it's been structured. It's pretty awesome when you start to balance uke's head on your own even though this results in a fairly high score for uke (but that doesn't really matter)
So, overall it's a nice replay but you should try to work on getting that decap to look stronger. 7/10
(and both of you stop with this fighting, it's actually pretty irritating and it ruins the reputation of Drones)
Drinking coffee and not contributing to society are just two of my many talents.
@C4 it's not extnded, the beginning is the same, and the spinning is not, it just looks similar.
by the way, mate, don't focus on the decap, it's not a good decap, it's the spin! look at those beautiful spins bro
bro of davidovsky