My Boy!, GBC A.D. (gba/gbc emulators), sometimes Subway Surfers or Smash Hit.
Got any problems or questions about computers or any other tech?Feel free to PM me any time. Lmod for Computer/Mobile Chat
haha Pokemon is like the best game for smartphones! But I do only play the first gen
Let's start a discussion here you inactive addicts:

what do you think of DRM? or better, what's your opinion on steam and the likes? I hate what the gaming industry has become in recent years, day 1 DLC, day 1 patches, no proper game testing, crappy or no support in most cases after only 1 or 2 years, shitty console ports, overpriced bullshit, shortcuts, casualisation and everything. I believe programs like steam are useful, but I hate how they are advocates of shoving tons of unneccessary bullshit one's throat. It's a shame that you can't really do anything against it. Of course, there's always the option to "vote with your wallet", but it doesn't help if the majority of people just doesn't give a crap anymore. It's a modern tragedy in my eyes.

/rant over
Tbh Steam is just a platform for game devs/publishers to sell/market their stuff. Valve themselves aren't in charge of any of DLC stuff or Day 1 updates. They just provide an easy to use platform to accommodate all that shit.

The only dev I still trust is Valve. They have their own values, do stuff their own way n shit. They don't give a shit about the industry as a whole, they just do their thing and hope people like it. I'm very rarely hyped for any game these days, so w/e.
Good point. I can't remember the last time I was seriously awaiting a game. I think that was with BF3, maybe BF4. But those were a letdown, pitily. Oh yeah. Sim city. fuck that was such a major disappointment. I bought it for cheap, and while it was fun sometimes, it couldn't live up to its predeccessor, which games rarely do nowadays. Fuck. I need to install sim city 4 and cod4 again.
Last edited by Nobuddie; Jul 13, 2014 at 06:31 PM. Reason: typo
Steam is shit but I can live with it and thanks to the sales and providing a way to get lots of gaems it sorta generally is a positive thing anyway. Other platforms are even more cancerous.

I only love CDProjekt. They're the good guys of industry atm and I hope they don't fuck their reputation up. No DRM, tons of fun stuff in retail boxes, free DLC. Long live the slavdevs.

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qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos