Hello there, here goes my application. I'm not good in writing free-form apps, so I'll make my own application format. Sooo...
Name: Paweł (Paul).
Age: 14
Country: Poland (my GMT is +1, by the way).
Special skills: Nothing who will help you, unfortunately.
Forums: I'm pretty active on forums, I check them every time, 3-6 posts per day.
Gaming: As you can see, I'm 4th Dan, I'm good at Aikido and Taekkyon. When I have good day I can win GMtourney.
Why I want to join: I want to join because this clan has sense for me, it's not dead or full of newbies. You got my + for that.
How I can help you: As I said before, I'm active on forums, I can also participate/make some clan events.
Something about me: Well, first about "clans" - I had three (third was without tag), every of them was fail, except first. I also was in many, many others: ToP [I left because they're too inactive for me, but I still visit 'em], Knotz [nuhh, they died and I still don't know why], Fake [officialism was so close, inactivity killed us in three days].
Now about me, not my Toribash - I'm very talkative person, I love making new friends, many people can say about me many good words. I'm also musican - I started to make ambient music (
check it here).
Oh, I could forget - I'm here because of Saingzc.
Peace & fucking,
Last edited by WorldEater; Mar 28, 2013 at 12:18 PM.