Secret Santa 2024
а можно узнать почему ?
почему ?
почему ?
Last edited by Artem33; Jan 6, 2012 at 12:06 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
1.belt:black(had a blue belt but the account expired)
2.mods you think you're best at:wushu_pro,lenshu,ninjutsu,aikidodojo :P
3.your age:14
4.your GMT/your location:GMT +1 location is Estonia
5. pevios clans:haven't been in clan.
6.some additional information you'd like to include(optional):i would want to help you with everything but i not so good at art or video making(could help in clan wars thou) and i'm very active,i in every time :P
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 23
Clan: Imbalanced

Этот ньюфаг тут чем-то заправляет?

no u
Last edited by gandi; Feb 1, 2012 at 10:04 PM.
1. Belt (please also name all of your alts and former accounts if you have\had any):2dan
2. Mods you think you're best at:AikidoBD and Aikido
3. Your age:14
4. Your GMT\Your location: +2
5. Previous clans: Guardians , Zero , Proninjas and Fantasy
6. Your skype name (if you don't have a skype account we'd prefer you to make one): Well panutearaes
7. Some additional information you'd like to include (optional):Well im artist and good at rpls , im from finland and my name is Panu
We would also prefer you to include some SP replays in your application
Ya two same rpls but the other is edit
Attached Files
# You Edit - Nino .rpl (129.3 KB, 7 views)
# You [S].rpl (162.6 KB, 4 views)