I say yes to your allience request since I know you.
[SmallBowl] [fallu] [Moop] [Parrot] [SkulFuk] [Icky] [Sassy]
Need help with any market related questions? Feel free to PM ME. <Powas> I've got a degree in 1001 techniques of masturbation
You were the first one to do a free form application for allie.
Also yes.
Do you really think you're in control
Originally Posted by DrowRanger View Post
Hello guys =\
I would like to be a single allie.
Yea, I know, I have to make my aplication with the requirements. If I need to re-apply, no problem.
Simply, I would like to request single alliance with The Prophecy, because you guys are a very respectable clan. I will be active, etc.

Apathy(close to yes)
Adphones|.:!New Era!:.|Indonesian
request video? PM me
Really wish I wasn't so damn inactive. I DO WHAT I CAN, FOLKS.
Know that I love you all. Always.

This is super late, buuuuuuut:
Welcome, to everyone that has been accepted, and haha you suck to those that were declined.

Also: Mocro deserved his auto-invite. :3
Have you ever licked Nutella off of a penis?
I love you, MocroGunz.
The reason why there hasn't been any no's, is the fact that there weren't any shit applicants.

Don't come here and complain about how the clan is running without you. There will be some idiot that deserves a no and he or she will get it.
[SmallBowl] [fallu] [Moop] [Parrot] [SkulFuk] [Icky] [Sassy]
Need help with any market related questions? Feel free to PM ME. <Powas> I've got a degree in 1001 techniques of masturbation
Well, here goes.

Hi, my name is Zachary, Zach for short. I actually have this account and I am guessing,maybe around 3-4 more smurfs. I abandoned most though, now I only have this and a shell that I do believe is still counted as mine. The shell has 1277 qi, and my account currently has 882. I do believe that my main mods are Judo and Wushu. Aikido I can do but it was never fun for me, so I stopped playing it. I mostly just scour the forums and make textures. I'm a kind guy, I can be funny, not always though. I have garnered over 200k in my whole Toribashian life, but I haven't spent a toricredit wisely...yet. Once I see something I like, I try my hardest to get it, which mostly leads me to getting broke. The most valuable thing I have right now, is a set by Chris, the Tribal one. My birthday is on August 15. I have not used the IRC before, but I am willing to, when I find out how. I like to joke around, I'm pretty lazy but I do believe that I have a higher than average IQ. I am not a very skilled Toribash player, but I am still learning, I just started playing again recently, making random replays nobody else will see. As I stated I am not a very good replay maker, I have made a basic kick on my own, and I learned how to play without the help of tutorials , I am not a very good at improvising my moves, but I can. I make textures of sorts.....just Cartoon and Robotic, which makes me my tc.

Thank you for reading this, here is your free metaphorical cookie, and a metaphorical hug to go with it.

Example of a set I made:
It's still a work in progress.
Last edited by Katsudon; Dec 29, 2011 at 05:01 PM.