Originally Posted by count3rl33 View Post
I'm far away from pwning ;)
and I would've played in one team with you

gratz to your stats btw.

Thx.Well,now Im thinking about buying vayne.When I get enough IP ofcourse
Just tried her, she's kinda cool but I cant handle her rly good. Aynway, just had a 3v3 and guess what:

my team (Zilean/Veigar/Miss Fortune) vs. opponent team (Cho'Gath/Urgot/Singed)

First of all: two mages and one carry against 3 hard melee champs.
Scnd thing: my two teammates sucked hard. I mean rly hard. Depending their name they must have been somewhere around 13 and probably were friends. After ~15 minutes both of them went afk because they had to eat and didnt came back again...
We already destroyed both inhibitors and the nexus tower was ~half hp.

All in all I lost the 3v1 game with 24/12/2.... -.-

btw, my equip was: Dorans Blade, Berserker Greaves, 2x Phantom Dancers, Infinity Edge and Bloodthirster.
If you play right, your games shouldn't last long enough for you to get Infinity Edge
I just won 13/2/6 as Le Blanc.
Woulda been 13/0/6 but ya know, when teammates ask for a Gank then they don't help during the gank they asked for, things get messy xD
yeah, I kinda know that...

but soul, why shouldnt a game last long enough to get the Infinity Edge? I get it ~15 minutes and I doubt that a game should end there
Well, then you rush your Infinity Edge without getting other items that are more useful at a low lvl :l
Quicker the match ends, the quicker you win, the quicker your next game begins : P
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