Name: Kevin Michael Stahl
Age: 16
Belt: Black
Country and timezone: Croatia, GMT+1
How active are you in-game and forums?(1-10):
I'd say around 8+ for ingame and 2-3 for the forums. I actually read a lot on there, I just don't post much. This eould definitely change if there was a known community I could converse with.
I have to also note that I'm currently on a limited data plan, so I might sometimes be inactive for a few days at the end of my data cycle.
Any clans you joined before us?(If yes, why did you leave/got kicked?):
None, had been invited from the inactive menacing clan lately. I honestly think it was a joke by someone who took over the dead clan.
Contacts (Skype, E-mail, etc): You can get me on facebook, WhatsApp, regular telephone services and my E-mail. PM me for specifics.
What mod are you good in? (Optional: post replays):
I play mostly aikido and it's variants. Although I've been starting out with boxshu a bit lately (kinda late, I know) and I'm starting to like it. I do jousting sometimes for shits and giggles though, too.
I'd post replays but I'm not on my own PC currently, mybe if I get the chance.
What can you contribute to the clan?(Please make your claim strong,any proofs?):
Well... I have a tendency to adapt to different playstyles in favor of my own win/loss ratio. Always have been a quick learner and I am proven to be highly intelligent, although that same intelligence sometimes turns me into an complete idiot, although I mostly stick to the educated getup.I most of the time try to keep my balance, and if I do lose it, I try to use it to my own advantage by making my opponent overshoot his own move.
This mainly refers to aikido.
Else, I'm not afraid to pick up a challenge or face a difficult opponent and I often win against more expirienced players than myself.
I am also quite quick at making my move(except when hungover, extremely tired or just having a bad day) as I have been matches with five second reaction time. Great practice.
I guess that was a wee bit too long, but still, hope it was enjoyable to read.
Did anyone refer you here?: No, sadly.
Well, I wish you a great day/morning/evening/whatever and thanks for reading my app.