Secret Santa 2024
Originally Posted by MasterTr0n View Post
Hi Datbadass, I am a Brown belt on toribash, I am 17 and willing to play most days, This is the first clan I will be joining so I think i'm gunna get turned down XD. but anyway, IRL I like to play guitar, make simple textures for toribash and free run, along side A LOT of outdoor sports (I doubt you care about this stuff tho). My Real Name is Tom but if you want you can call me tron or master in game, HOPEFULLY *crosses fingers* I can get a better laptop for Christmas so I don't get as much low frame rate. anyway. I hope I have given the right info so that you feel happy and invite me to the clan XD
See you in toribash >:3
My favorit mod is: joustingfixed and pendulumjumper
I try my very best on every mod I play, and only mess around on a mod if I am very good at it.


Originally Posted by prince12345 View Post
* What is your Name, Age, and Time Zone?:john,20,standard time
* What do you mainly use the forums for?:editing textures into better one
* What are your thoughts on your forum activity?:i'm on forums every weekend
* Are you able to be more active on the forums than you already are?:i guess,yes
* Are you able to give your thoughts on public opinions in Electric?:yes of course
* Have you even been Banned and/or Infracted on the Toribash Forums?:No
- State something that makes you stand out as a forum individual:actually i don't know what makes me stand out -_-
- Do you have Skype? If so, it is recommended to state the username here:i don't have skype but i have fb [email protected]
* Belt Rank:blue
* Global Ranking:23568
* What are your thoughts on your ingame activity?:not losing to someone and better make improvements
* Could you be more active ingame if your ingame activity is low?:i'm active ingame but in weeks i have sochool in forum i'm active
* Have you ever been infracted and/or banned from the Toribash Ingame Servers?:No
* What are your ingame strengths?:i'm really good at winnig clan wars
* What are your ingame weaknesses?:judo
* What mod(s) are you the best at?:erthk and running i have proof in my replays
* Could you help other players in Electric in parts where you thrive and others do not?:yes certainly of course
* What mod(s) could you need help in?:judo and parkour
- Would you consider eCademy the place to go for your advances in places you could need help? (You are subject to be put into eCademy on Staff's/Leader's decision.):yes
* Do you consider yourself a competitive person, and would you be interested in representing Electric in any upcoming Tournaments?:yes and ill be there

You will choose on of the three scenarios from the list below, and post your response/reaction to it.

· You join a game, and a player is begging for TC from everyone in the room. At some point, he asks you.
Ok, I'm a honest person, and if I saw this guy begging tc from me, I will say that he needed to earn the tcs by himself to buy what he needed , and if I saw him really proving himself that he really earn the tc by winning multiple games in a row, I will be really probably giving him/her the tcs he needed to buy the items

No, you literally copied and pasted another app, and didn't bother to change it.
i sell pocket pussies
[Ae]ther | cncpls | [OoT] | SR
I will sat yes to mastertron. Prince needs to post a different app.
[Team Wushu]
Pm me any questions! I will be happy to help.