Christmas Lottery
send TCs+email and ill send you the texture

maybe a lil bit wasnt so easy...ill add more veins..but im thinking about 1,5k
you make customs? i want a rose sort of thing. sapphire main coloring with a radioactive plant stem and a gaia flower. offset the flower and stem to the right. i have about 2k, i know this is a lot of work and am willing to pay that andd mebbe an iou or something if you could do this for me.
u mad tho :)
Dylan101 - texture sent
hybridX3 - texture sent
TJRG - texture sent
Last edited by Master2; Aug 27, 2008 at 06:03 PM.
Originally Posted by Shmibs View Post
you make customs? i want a rose sort of thing. sapphire main coloring with a radioactive plant stem and a gaia flower. offset the flower and stem to the right. i have about 2k, i know this is a lot of work and am willing to pay that andd mebbe an iou or something if you could do this for me.

ok...ill be finished sometimes at the weekend...Ill pm you