Dunno whether my comment counts but i say yes frogy is an awesome guy i was in a server with him 2day
Just an old black belt from 2013
kyle I am active I just didn't play for 2 days because I my cousin was staying over
I was still active on forums though

Mudjad: saying YES to you bro, nice freeform app btw.
Tempah: of course your comment and vote counts, you're a member now, and yeah, you can have access to these kinds of things
frogy: Only 1 more vote and you're in..i'l go ask my brother Nev about his vote..also our co-leader Novixel for some insight
✦RIP -zzzkie, I'll miss you 2012-2015 #neverforget.✦
👼Proud owner and leader of [Ascend] with my brother, Nevramon👼
Check out my 🎧 FREE💃 sound request shop! - I have a lot of art (like, 45+ heads and a few sets) for sale! PM me for them!
Thx rhae . I hope I can be here . In this clan
↝In the name of Allah↜
↝Angels ツ my twin for ever↜
Conrats frogy I say YES. Welcome to Ascend.

MudJad: :0 "Wall 'o Text" alert, however it gives all the right info and your a good player I'll say YES.

But please space out your applications more.
Toribash Media |[TeamWushu]
Thx prowler
↝In the name of Allah↜
↝Angels ツ my twin for ever↜