I guess i can say that Saintowar will be gone the next 5 days since he got suspended for 5 days :P..
CoD4 is AWEEEESOOMMMEEEEEE (this means I will be inactive for an undetermined amount of time)
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Will be away for 1 week or so. We had a death in the family. Didnt know them to well so im not to cut up about it, but duty calls and I've got to show my face. Cu dudes soon.
Org's :: OldA OoT OrMo
I'll be away for 2 weeks starting sunday, the first week im off to camp then to my grandparents. Im then back for a week then im off for a week to vacation in Florida.
i'm gone for 3 days..Toricon and stuff. Flub...its all onto you for now
<Alan> lol, rutz, it might be cool to smell your ass all the time you touch the mic
Originally Posted by Rutzor View Post
i'm gone for 3 days..Toricon and stuff. Flub...its all onto you for now

Osht, I'm alone.

K, have fun at the Tori-con. And sorry to hear about that, Ern.
It makes me wonder..