since i type a :O face atleast once every 2 or 3 lines on irc and atleast once every post, i think shift is a pretty popular key for me :O

i dont much use alt, and i have never used scroll lock in my entire life.


Originally Posted by ishi View Post
i have never used scroll lock in my entire life.

you've never fucked around with the 3 lights on your keyboard for caps lock, scroll lock, and num lock?
Originally Posted by ishi View Post
sorry swaves you drew spiderman turning into a sentient potato, kars gets the tc

7 years of my time dealing with 13 year olds who's brothers

Originally Posted by Soap View Post
he said he's never used it. he never said he's never pressed it.

ishi, do you dabble in politics? if so, what party do you belong to?

i probably share the most of my views in common with liberal democrats, but i'm not too interested in american politics and generally view it as a dumb system that is mostly about giving people the illusion of the power of choice and that most of the leaders that are elected will generally act the same because they need to please a certain number of people to get elected/stay in office.



what happened to iRookie?

It says he was last seen in your server xD
The global said iRookie is.... dead xD


Oh, abusing the global...
Last edited by Karstnator; Apr 6, 2014 at 09:36 AM.

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Toribash Season 1 Rank 3 | Ex-ES Artist | Ex-Mascot of [Alpha]