thanks m8, been looking for this for a while. thank god hes still active xD
speaks russian or ukranian or whatever -_-
well lets hope google translate is good enough
Last edited by iIluminati; Mar 11, 2015 at 04:46 PM.
Aside from gkbawnk and itemdump, I'm looking for the names of users with a lot of flames in their inventory. This information will be used for a project of mine, not for distributing unsolicited offers.
Ferras, jsnuffmars, akumabeast, arkenovos.
Also u can look at darknis transaction history. He had over 100, u can see where they went after the refunds.
Or go ask a tsa...from what i know they can see all users that own an item. They sould have track of all flames i think.
But there are so many flames...almost 4000 now...i think.