@ragerock90 nice spar, i liked it cause it didn't seem so random like a lot of mp spars, the only thing you could really improve is move fluidity, by which i mean canceling out the twitching which is happening basically throughout the whole replay. The twitching is because of rapid joint movements in different directions (like you contract the elbow then extend it then contract again), so to remove it you shouldnt move the same joint too often, just move it and then hold or relax until you need to contract it again. "But what if i need to contract it NOW to do this epic 360 hook?", you ask. The answer here is simple: you have to plan your moves better. It's really important to KNOW what you want to do and have it in mind during each turn. Sometimes people rely on the ghost too much to give them a whole move idea, forgetting the turn frames are only 10 (or smaller).
sry for wall of text
edit: actually no, its not that big XD