I'm very sorry for my inactivity these last days, I've been really busy with irl life stuff and most of the clan who is in the whatsapp group knows what's happening to me rn, also I'm very proud of ALL who have participated in the last wars agains't Obey, Reckless and TLL, we still need to war one more time vs TLL and so far everyone except rektjr2 has met the 8 games criteria for prizes.
So far We have 12 points
1 win = 2p
1 lose = 1p
3 wins (3matchdifference) = 3 points so if we beat TLL again we might achieve 15 out of the 18 max points, then in the knockout phase we will know who will be playing certain mods so far despite that everyone is good in almost every competitive mod. so if we decide that someone won't play is not a reason to get angry or something like that, remember that we are more like a family and currently our aim is to win the clan league and the tittle is not "oh you won clan league because Xene did well on torisex.tbm" no, the tittle is for the whole clan doesn't matter what place we achieve. I hope you guys understand this and for rektjr2, try to relax till the next war, yesterday was not your day so don't give up and practice more <3, I still have to upload the replays on dropbox and make all the logs stuff.
In topic with the clan league video, All the ideas are good but i think we should wait until we get a board in the case we get accepted for official status ofc.
Also currently I'm making "art" for some event that I will try to run with Martin after the clan league B) Also I've been thinking about translating some of tutorials that already exist in the forum to spanish (martin idea) and also add general knowledge and tips of the (MM) Members.